Minnesota's 2023 legislative session came to a close on Monday May 22, 2023. It was a record session of major wins for working families, in large part thanks to the efforts of AFSCME PEOPLE MVPs who came together to push for strong pro-worker legislation. From Paid Family & Medical Leave, to unemployment insurance access for hourly school workers, every Minnesotan will benefit from this session for generations to come. The list below is a summary of just some of the major wins for workers this year. Become a PEOPLE MVP to join in the fight for a better Minnesota. 

Major Wins for Workers in 2023:

Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML)

PFML will provide almost every working Minnesotan with the ability to take up to 12 weeks to care for themselves or a loved one. Starting in January of 2026, eligible workers will be eligible to receive 2/3 of their regular wages for qualifying events.* Not only will they receive essential financial support during a difficult time, but they will maintain the right to return to their job similar to rights under the federal Familiy Medical Leave Act. 

Labor Rights

  • Banning Captive Audience Meetings
  • Paid Sick Leave Required for all workers
  • Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board
  • Worker Safety Protections

Public Employees

  • Card Check for Union Elections
  • Access to new hires for New Employee Orientations
  • Juneteenth Holiday (Starting this year)
  • Public Employee Relations Board fully funded
  • Pension Cost of Living Adjustments and other Improvements

K-12 Schools

  • Unemployment Insurance: Non-licensed school staff will now have access to the same benefits as all other Minnesotans. Click Here to Learn More.
  • Paid E-Learning Days: If a school shifts to E-Learning for any reason, school support staff will receive their expected pay whether they come in or not.
  • Paraprofessional Training: Paraprofessionals will be provided 8 hours of paid training including safety training prior to the start of a school year.
  • IEP Prep Time: Paraprofessionals must be given time to review an IEP within 5 days prior to working with a new student.  


We have heard time and again that workplace safety is the biggest concern for hospital workers. That is why we worked closely this session with our Labor Family at MNA and SEIU Healthcare to pass major legislation to improve safety and staffing in Minnesota's hospitals. This bill was met with the fiercest corporate opposition. In the face of multi-billion dollar threats, we were still able to pass legislation providing for safety improvements and support for healthcare workers. Still, a lot was left on the table and we are ready to continue this fight next session. 

* The PFML benefit will be approximately 2/3 of a workers average pay with a cap. 


Looking for AFSCME gear? Check out the PEOPLE online store for AFSCME apparel, headwear, accesssories, and other promotional products. All members can purchase merchandise to show off their AFSCME pride. Sales from the store benefit our PEOPLE program, which fights to elect pro-worker candidates.