Todd County Residents Could Lose Public Health Home Care Services for Good.
Residents of Todd County could lose access to our incredible Home Care Services. Currently, qualifying residents can receive assistance from Nurses, Home Health Aides, Home Makers, and others in their homes. Whether they need medication management, wound care, health monitoring, personal care, housekeeping, shopping and more, Todd County has provided Medicare Certified assistance residents can rely on.
This could end soon, on June 6th, county commissioners could vote on closing the Home Care Unit for good. Private home care services are difficult to come by and often refuse to accept Medical Assistance or waivers. The Todd County home care program provides a reliable lifeline to residents who wish to stay in their homes. Once this service is gone it is unlikely to ever return.
Right now, assisted living and long-term care facilities are turning people away because of short staffing. Reliable public home care is an essential way we can care for Todd County residents. Often, when older patients leave the hospital, they need support to make sure they can recover and adjust. We are there, to help them understand their new medications, prepare healthy meals and keep their homes comfortable and safe during recovery.
Imagine your family and friends live far away or are unable to assist you when you need help. Maybe you struggle to take your medication correctly or have another emergency. You go to the emergency room, and after some care, they send you home. Without our County Home Care Unit, it will be difficult to find a private option. Without reliable home care, you increase your chances of bigger health problems or moving to a nursing home. Imagine this is your parent, and you simply can’t be available 24/7. With proper home care and monitoring, they are more likely to live successfully in their home as long as possible.
There is no alternative plan that would provide similar care. True home care requires a team of Public Health Nurses, Registered Nurses, Home Health Aides, Home Makers to help clients in every aspect of their lives. Remove just one piece and clients may no longer be capable of living in their homes.
This is why we need our Todd County Home Care Unit. The staff are highly trained professionals who love what we do and care about the health and safety of our clients. We provide an amazing public service for our neighbors in need, regardless of someone’s circumstances or insurance. Public services are measured by their impact on people, and this is one of the most impactful programs for residents in our community.
If you are a resident of Todd County, Call your County Commissioner with questions, concerns and/or comments before the June 6th County Board Meeting.