
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Congratulations are in order for this year's Al Church Scholarship winners.

AFSCME Council 65 statement on Governor Walz’s proposed state budget:

Governor Walz’s budget plan lays out a strong path to recovery for Minnesota, focusing on those hit hardest by this pandemic and the economic fallout.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, corporations and the richest have watched their wealth soar while working Minnesotans face layoffs, quarantine without pay, unsafe working conditions, and rising costs.

In his first days on the job, President Joe Biden has taken swift executive action to protect and empower public service workers, strengthen public services and help working people. On his first day alone, he signed 17 executive orders, memorandums and proclamations that showed the kind of bold leadership our country needs now.

Yesterday’s attack on our country, and our people was the culmination of years of divisive rhetoric, misinformation, and hate from Republican leaders at all levels of our government.  The Republican refusal to accept the will of American People is directly responsible for today’s militant attack on the United States Capitol as well as other attacks on our democracy, our government, and dedicated public employees. A record number of voters have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be our next President and Vice-President, the people have s

AFSCME President Lee Saunders called the victories of the Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s Senate runoff elections “a bold mandate for change.”

Here’s a crucial reason for working people to do all they can to help Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock win the Georgia Senate runoff elections in January – federal aid to states, cities, towns and schools.

If Ossoff and Warnock prevail, there will be a pro-worker majority in the U.S. Senate. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, as president of the Senate, will cast the tie-breaking vote when the chamber is deadlocked.

President-elect Joe Biden and Vice president-elect Kamala Harris on Monday brought together business and union leaders, including AFSCME President Lee Saunders, for a virtual meeting to discuss an economic recovery agenda for the country.

Following the meeting, Biden warned of a “dark winter” ahead for the nation and highlighted consensus among the labor leaders and CEOs alike on the need to fund the front lines.

It was bad enough that the Trump administration failed miserably in its response to the coronavirus pandemic, ignoring the science and failing to come up with a national strategy.

It was pathetic and tragic when Republicans in Congress failed to summon the courage to support the everyday heroes who saved our communities by funding the front lines.

With so much at stake for working families in the 2020 election, AFSCME members across the country stood up to the challenge once again. Although the pandemic prevented us from putting thousands of boots on the ground as we normally do, AFSCME members still made a huge difference in key races across the country.