Nursing Homes

New Nursing Home Labor Standards

AFSCME 65 members in nursing homes achieved big victories in 2024! We successfully pushed the Minnesota Legislature to create a Nursing Home Workforce Standards Board, which is setting new minimum wages. Additionally, AFSCME collaborated with the Biden-Harris Administration to update the industry’s minimum staffing rules. 

Proposed 2026 / 2027 Hourly Minimum Wages

  • CNA: January 1, 2026 - $22.50; January 1, 2027 - $24.00
  • Trained Medication Aide: January 1, 2026 - $23.50; January 1, 2027 - $25.00
  • LPN: January 1, 2026 - $27.00; January 1, 2027 - $20.50
  • All Other Job Classes: January 1, 2026 - $19.00; January 1, 2027 - $20.50

After receiving federal approval and necessary appropriations from the Minnesota legislature, the minimum wages above would take effect in two stages, January 1, 2026 and then January 1, 2027.*

PDF icon Draft Nursing Home Rules: Minimum Wages

Holiday Pay

On January 1, 2025, nursing home workers will be paid time-and-one-half for hours worked on certain holidays.*

Holidays Include:

  • New Year's Day, January 1
  • Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Third Monday in January
  • President's Day, Third Monday in February
  • Memorial Day, Last Monday in May
  • Juneteenth, June 19
  • Independence Day, July 4
  • Labor Day, The First Monday in September
  • Indigenous Peoples Day, Second Monday in October
  • Veterans Day, November 11
  • Thanksgiving Day, Fourth Thursday in November,
  • Christmas Day, December 25

A holiday is the 24-hour period midnight starting on the date designated as a holiday until the next midnight. 

Modification of Holiday Date and Time:

  • The start and stop times for the 24-hour period comprising a holiday can be modified by a collective bargaining agreement.
  • A nursing home employer may substitute up to four holidays for an alternate day in the same calendar year if such substitution is agreed upon by a majority of affected nursing home workers or the exclusive representative of the affected nursing home workers if one exists.
  • Any agreement to modify a holiday date or time must be made in the calendar year preceding the start of the calendar year in which the modified holiday is observed. There must be written record of such an agreement.
  • Any record of agreement to modify a holiday date or time shall be retained by the nursing home employer for a minimum of three years following the observation of the modified holiday.

PDF icon Draft MN Nursing Home Rules: Holiday Pay

New Federal Staffing Requirements